Parents like you

The APEEF (Association des Parents d’Elèves de l’Ecole Française Jacques Prévert) is a charity whose members are the parents, guardians or carers of any pupil attending the Jacques Prévert School. Trustees are appointed or reappointed annually at the Annual General Meeting held in May. Our activities are all run by a group of enthusiastic and friendly parent volunteers, who are keen to contribute to a vibrant and inclusive community around our school.

Our mission statement

The aim of APEEF is to advance the education of pupils in the School, specifically by

  • Managing after-school clubs and holiday camps

  • Organising fundraising events to support the school and advance the education of pupils by engaging in and funding activities and providing facilities and equipment

  • Developing supportive and constructive relationships between the School, the families and others associated with the School

Organise community events for families

Organise sales to raise funds for projects

Provide support and advice to parents

Organise and manage after-school clubs

Organise and coordinates class reps

Fund specific projects

Some of last year’s achievements

♦ Organising and managing after-school clubs (various sports, art and creative clubs for children taking place Monday to Friday)

♦ Organising camps during the school holidays

♦ Welcoming new families in the Jacques Prévert’s community

♦ Helping to fund specific projects led by school, such as circus skills, contemporary dance, visual arts, etc. 

♦ Organising parent class representatives

♦ Creating, printing and distributing the Jacques Prévert Parents Directory 

♦ Organising fundraising events such as the Christmas Market, Parents Dinner, Summer Fair, APEEF race, cake and book sales

♦ Organising cultural immersion days in close collaboration with the school

♦ Funding infrastructure project in collaboration with the school such as classroom refurbishment or computer/tablet renewal